Get Involved

Edit this. Cras nec lorem eget ligula varius aliquet at et mi. Fusce id quam in justo suscipit porta. Fusce non nisl nunc, id vestibulum augue. Donec interdum sapien vitae sem condimentum vel adipiscing leo consequat. In quis nisi sed velit lobortis congue in vulputate risus. Aliquam molestie, risus sed congue ullamcorper, mauris lacus volutpat mauris, nec luctus est risus in libero.


Would you like to take a more active part in recreating our world? Many people feel the same way. They'd like to make a difference but they're not sure how to get started. To help, we've begun a list of suggestions. If there is information you would like to see added to this page, send us a note.

The simplest way to help is to take part in the Re-creating Our World exercise.

Discussion Groups - You can interact with others trying to make a difference, find people in your area, and see and share the latest ideas. Stay informed about how you can help.

Projects - We are compiling a list of projects you can do by yourself to help re-create our world. In addition, we are putting together small group projects you can do with a few friends, large group projects you can get your whole school, church, company or other large group involved in, and world-wide projects.

Exercises - If you would like to develop your own awareness and ability to affect the world, there are exercises here to help you do it. They range from simple exercises for beginners to some that are both more difficult and require a longer-term committment. We are also beginning a series of exercises you can do in groups for fun and personal development.

Join AAIL - Join the AAIL team and use your skills to more actively help us in leading the world to a purer vision of itself.

Donate - If you like what we are doing, but don't have a lot of time to for exercises and projects, consider helping us financially. As an active and rapidly growing organization, we greatly appreciate your help.


Aenean iaculis volutpat libero congue hendrerit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus tempus tellus eu quam volutpat vehicula. Maecenas eget lorem orci, ut sagittis nulla. Donec non justo tortor, sit amet consequat enim. Mauris volutpat dignissim sagittis. Aliquam suscipit pharetra nibh, vel tincidunt sem lacinia ac. Aliquam vel magna ut dolor sagittis tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam semper sem sit amet massa lobortis commodo. Nam scelerisque, eros interdum malesuada fermentum, ante ligula molestie quam, vitae eleifend diam lorem eget massa.



  • Suspendisse mattis, mi a scelerisque pretium, leo mi semper est,
  • Nunc venenatis dapibus fermentum.
  • In luctus sapien sit amet velit vulputate et mollis elit bibendum.
  • Donec ornare, diam sit amet imperdiet tincidunt.

What do our customers say?

Aenean pulvinar, nisi vitae volutpat molestie, sapien ligula imperdiet metus, quis sagittis nunc justo id ante. Maecenas id quam ut nunc molestie pharetra. Fusce facilisis vehicula consequat. Nam egestas lectus sodales risus elementum a fermentum nisl viverra. Sed tempus scelerisque lectus nec euismod. Cras vel justo ac mi interdum accumsan.

Another happy customer


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Suspendisse mattis, mi a scelerisque pretium, leo mi semper est, vel tincidunt dolor dolor non mi. Nunc venenatis dapibus fermentum. In luctus sapien sit amet velit vulputate et mollis elit bibendum. Donec ornare, diam sit amet imperdiet tincidunt, nisi elit congue mauris, vel consequat urna leo semper arcu.